RCOSustainable Development Goals
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sibusiso.mngadi@un.orgUN DAY 2023

In 2023, the United Nations in Eswatini is partnering with the Government of Eswatini to commemorate UN Day under the theme, “Taking the United Nations to the people.”
The Ministry of Education and Training (MoET) will host the commemoration at Mhubhe High School in Manzini, bringing the participation of the community and surrounding primary and secondary schools, including St. Joseph’s School for children with learning disabilities.
UN agencies resident in Eswatini, including their partners, will set-up information stalls and provide services for the community, including health screening, HPV vaccinations and sporting activities.
For the formal programme, His Majesty's Representative has been invited as the guest of honour.
About the event
The United Nations Day (UN Day) marks the anniversary of the UN Charter, which entered into force on the 24th October 1945.
The Agenda 2030 of Sustainable Development is at a halfway point in 2023. Following the SDG Summit held during the UN General Assembly in September, Eswatini, among other Members States, has renewed commitment towards accelerating achievement of SDGs.
An integral part of accelerating the achievement of the SDGs is mobilizing all stakeholders, including communities to take action. In 2023, the United Nations in Eswatini will use the commemoration of UN Day to take the UN and the SDGs to a rural community.