Second Voluntary National Review Report 2022

The United Nations Family supported the Kingdom of Eswatini to prepare the second National Voluntary Review report ahead of the High-Level Political Forum High-Level Political Forum in July 2022.
Eswatini Voluntary National Review report provides highlights on the VNR process, policy and enabling environment, progress made in implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including successes and challenges encountered in delivering under each the SDG.
It affirms commitment by the Government of Eswatini in monitoring and reporting progress on the SDGs implementation in line with national planning and policy framework. The process of conducting the review and preparation of the report was led by the Ministry of Economic Planning and Development (MEPD) working closely with the SDGs Technical Team who are SDGs focal points in line ministries.
It was inclusive and participatory in nature and entailed gathering data/ information and inputs from a broad spectrum of stakeholders, including the academia, business community, civil society organizations, development partners, government ministries, non-government organizations, persons living with disabilities, women and the youth.
This was complemented by a desk review on existing sector policies, programmes and external assistance.