UN Eswatini Results Report 2022

In January 2021, the Kingdom of Eswatini commenced implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) for the period 2021-2025.
The 2022 UN Results Report highlights the collective achievements of the UN Country Team against strategic areas of support in the ongoing implementation of the Cooperation Framework.
With an overall vision of “a prosperous and just Eswatini where no one is left behind”, the Cooperation Framework has 3 strategic priorities and four outcome areas, which are aligned with national development priorities as contained in the National Development Plan. The strategic priorities were mainly premised on Prosperity: to grow a strong, inclusive, and transformative economy; People: to ensure healthy lives, knowledge, and the inclusion of women and children and Planet: to protect our ecosystems for all societies and our children.
The results are presented in the four strategic outcomes: (i) Promoting Sustainable and Inclusive Economic Growth; (ii) Investing in Human Resources and Social Development; (iii) Accountable Governance, Justice and Human Rights and (iv) Strengthening Natural Resource Management, Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability.
The United Nations Country Team (UNCT) in Eswatini is headed by the Resident Coordinator, who is the designated representative of the UN Secretary-General. The UNCT comprises 17 UN agencies, funds, and programmes. Currently, the country team has 9 resident and 8 non-resident agencies. The UNCT is an inter- agency forum for joint policy formulation and decision making. It provides strategic direction and oversight to ensure that the United Nations Development System agencies deliver coherent, effective, and efficient support. The UNCT works with the Government of the Kingdom of Eswatini, civil society, the private sector, international financial institutions; and other development partners to support the national development priorities.