Remarks by UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. George Wachira, at the Launch of National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy
Launch of National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy
Honourable Minister of Commerce, Trade, and Industry, Senator Manqoba Khumalo
ECA SRO-SA Director – Ms. Eunice Kamwendo
Principal Secretary, Mr. Siboniso Nkambule
Senior Government Officials,
UN colleagues
Representatives of the AfCFTA Secretariat;
Excellencies members of the Diplomatic Corps
Captains of Industry
Representatives of Civil Society
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,
Sa-ni-bo-na-ni, bekunene!
I am delighted to be a part of this important gathering as we mark a significant milestone in Eswatini’s and Africa's journey towards economic integration and prosperity.
I have been privileged to have witnessed the key milestones of the journey to today's launch of the National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy. This includes the National Forum in November 2022 and, in May last year, the Stakeholder Validation Workshop for the Draft AfCFTA Strategy and Implementation Plan which took place at this very venue.
The progress since then, culminating in today's event, is a testament to the dedication and vision of the Government of Eswatini through the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, the support of the African Union, various stakeholders including the private sector, the AfCFTA Secretariat, the Economic Commission for Africa, development partners, and the industrious people of Eswatini.
On behalf of the United Nations, I applaud the progress that has been made in this short time.
With this Strategy, we have edged closer to the aspiration to create a borderless Africa, where trade and investment flow seamlessly, and where every nation, regardless of its size, can thrive in a just, resilient, and prosperous continental economy.
As we know, the future of our development has shifted from donor aid to trade and investment, led by a strong private sector and a facilitative policy environment.
Intra-Africa trade has remained at around 18%, compared to intra-Europe at over 70%. Thus, intra-Africa trade is a potential game-changer with its 1.2 billion people market. Indeed, studies suggest that if successful, Africa’s manufacturing sector alone could produce up to $1trillion by next year, contributing an additional 14 million stable, well paid jobs.
This strategy is therefore not just a plan; it is a blueprint for prosperity that leverages Eswatini's unique strengths and positions it to harness the vast opportunities the AfCFTA presents.
The path ahead is paved with opportunities:
- We have the opportunity to expand Eswatini's intra-African exports which accounted for only 1.3% of its total exports in 2019;
- We have the opportunity enhance Eswatini’s value chains and competitiveness in the global market, diversify its markets, and enhance its productive capacity.
- We have the opportunity to develop cross-border infrastructure, such as roads and rail, to facilitate trade between Eswatini and her neighbouring countries.
- We have the opportunity to expand cooperation is in the promotion of intra-African investment, particularly in sectors with comparative advantages, such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism.
Honourable Minister, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,
We all know that opportunities come veiled in challenges which must be overcome. I believe that, through the process of developing this strategy, national development planning, and discussions within Cabinet, there already exist clear perspectives on the key reforms required to ensure that the country is gearing up for the investment, manufacturing and industrialization that will enable inter-Africa trade to generate optimum benefits for Eswatini under a larger market.
Allow me to return to two ideas that I have spoken to before:
- Systems thinking: We have to work with the idea of the interconnectedness of things, the idea that whatever we do or do not do in one area has consequences in other areas. To successfully trade with the rest of the continent and the world will require that the entire system must be geared towards the goal – the investment and trade policies; ease of doing business; the education system and its relation to employability, training and skills; policies to facilitate the digital economy and the creativity of the young generation; niche location in the regional value chains; our immigration policy and how it may attract or hinder investments; our land policy; access to affordable finance by all; the imperative of gender equity; etc. Everything must line up in order for the Strategy to succeed.
- Coordination/Whole of Government Approach: WoG as a concept that emphasises the need for greater collaboration and coordination across departmental boundaries to eliminate duplication, optimize resources, create synergies among agencies, and deliver seamless services to the citizens and businesses. It encompasses communication, information sharing and decision-making processes.
As always, the UN family remains committed to walk with Eswatini in its journey to implement this strategy. We are ready to support the needed shifts across policy and regulatory frameworks.
We are also available to explore with you the identification and development of pipelines of bankable and market-ready national projects which could help drive production for trade.
The UN is also available to support the capacity-building at scale to support public institutions and stakeholders over time to maximise the benefits of this strategy.
As we celebrate the launch of the National AfCFTA Implementation Strategy, let us renew our commitment to a collaborative and coordinated approach that ensures the fruits of this monumental agreement are realized by all. The AfCFTA is more than an agreement; it is a beacon of hope for a united and prosperous Africa. Eswatini's leadership and proactive measures in embracing the AfCFTA are commendable and set a precedent for the continent.
In closing, I extend my deepest appreciation to everyone involved in bringing us to this pivotal moment, including the Government of Eswatini, the Government of Canada and other development partners, the AfCFTA Secretariat, and the ECA.
Together, we are witnessing the realisation of the vision of our forbears of building a new era for Africa, one that bridges divides, enhances economic inclusivity, and fosters a continent bound by shared prosperity and peace. We are also carrying the dreams and hopes of the generations to come, and we must not let them down.
Ngi-ya-bo-nga be-ku-ne-ne!
Thank you.
Speech by